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No Border Camp Bulgaria 2011 – International call out for fundraising
Bulgarije, No Border Camp 2011, Fundraising, Bankrekening -

No Border Camp Bulgaria 2011 – International call out for fundraising

donderdag 23 juni 2011 02:10
Spread the love

As we are getting ready with the organizational matters of the No Border camp that will take place in Bulgaria this year, we are calling out to all of our supporters and friends to be finacially helpful themselves and extend their support in finding additional persons, organizations or groups that would support the aspirations of the no border initiative Bulgaria this summer.

Read also :

Necessities for funding:

In particular, we need funding for:

– Construction of the camp – building the basic infrustructure, byuing the communcation systems, securing the the administrative work.
– Actions outside the camp – transporation of the participants from the camp to the places where the actions are planned, preparing leaflets for the local people in the village close to the camp as wells as in the town of Svilengrad.
– Activities inside the camp – paper, flip charts etc. for the workshops, films, discussions.

How could you donate?

You can use our bank account: ……

BAN: BG69FINV91501015001840
bank account: 91501015001840

All help will be welcomed and much appreciated!

Contact us at

Thank you,


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